Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Xiangzhou Experimental School


A guy named Vance in our class made this video (link above) of a charter school that we visited a few times during our teaching practices. This was the first time we visited. The kids mobbed us, and wanted autographs the second time we showed up. It was a bit staged by the school we think, but the kids were mostly genuine in their fascination with us. They would run around and scream "hello" like this, and then run away again. But, as soon as the teachers blew whistles, they would all line up in unison and do Tai Chi Boxing to a version of Queen's "We Will Rock You" sung by a young English kid. Then, they would sing Christmas songs, and the P.A. would play the music to "We Wish you a Merry Christmas" between classes. Very surreal!


Karen said...

The video is great (noisy but great!) Shows kids are kids no matter where they live!

Are they flashing peace signs, V for victory signs, does this have another meaning there?

Unknown said...

The children were so adorable and outgoing. Was their school one for children from more prosperous families?

Paul Coran