Sunday, August 26, 2007

Just before we leave

Here's our first post.


2NuckinFuts said...

..........totally awesome blog,... lol!!!
Seriously speaking though, .... I am very impressed!!!
I look forward to seeing a lot of exciting developments in the coming weeks and months.
The two of you are embarking on an exciting ( not to mention a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity) voyage in your lives and I pray that all goes well and it's gr8 to see you making your dreams a reality !!!
Love Ya,

Karen said...

You guys make a cute couple (just like us.) This is a great way to read about your travels, don't forget to post lots of pics and video.
Love from the Wiz Family

Unknown said...


Mom said...

I am looking forward to hearing and reading all the meaningful and wonderful experiences that you have during this unbelievable journey in your lives together!! I hope that all works out the way you have been planning so hard to do! My best wishes to both of you always!! Love you, Mom

Charles said...

Well I am so happy to read you are having fun. LE SHANA TOVA ( how do you that in Chinese?)
Be well,
Cousin Charles